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Why choose Ventuno for launching your OTT service?

Did you know? Every month there is at least one new entrant in the OTT service industry. The OTT industry has experienced a major rise in the number of players entering the market. With such a phenomenal boom, it is expected to become a trillion-dollar industry within this decade. When there is so much growing competition, any new and existing player has to be at the top of their game to survive as well as to conquer the market share. Gaining any user’s loyalty boils down to acing four main components - technology, services, marketing, and content.

Your expertise is in marketing, content, and strategy, so why not leave the technology expertise to us? Being a pioneer in the video solutions space in India, Ventuno can help you build and launch your video streaming website and app from the ground up and have the most banging launch. Creating apps to deliver your content to the right audiences can be a challenging task. Having learned this by creating and publishing videos for our own channels -

Homecookingshow (with over 2 million active subscribers) and Ventuno Art (with over 1 million active subscribers),

we understand the challenges as well as opportunities with content creation and delivery. Ventuno can help you launch your video streaming service without going through the difficulties we faced. Soon you will be reading about all the reasons why you must choose Ventuno to launch your OTT service. But before that, here’s a list of all the pain points most content creators face.

Table of Contents: 

1. Point for Content Creators

2. How to launch you ott platform with ventuno

Points For Content Creators

If you want to launch an app like Netflix or Hotstar, these are the troubles you may face or probably are already facing before, during, and after the launch. Ventuno has built technology platforms for several hundred leading publishers and created several content channels across social media. Because of our first-hand experience, our team could identify everything that a content creator needs to manage their video streaming service easily and efficiently.

The common pain points that content creators encounter are:

For content to reach audiences effectively, technology should be an enabler rather than a troublemaker. Building and launching your video streaming website and app with Ventuno can open up an ocean of opportunities to use technology in your favor. You can design and manage your OTT platform in a way that users find comfortable and easy to use, while you get to maximize engagement and revenues.

Here’s why you should choose Ventuno to launch your OTT service.

Now that we’ve discussed all the features you can avail of through Ventuno’s SaaS platform, let’s get into the cost of these features. You may be pleasantly surprised to see the competitive pricing at which Ventuno offers for all of the above features. Starting as low as $299/ month, you can create, customize, and launch your OTT platforms in no time.

You can choose from three different plans, namely - Basic, Professional, and Enterprise. Each of these plans has a monthly as well as a yearly subscription. You can learn more about our pricing and the features offered under each plan by visiting

And you ought to know that the free trial of 7 days is applicable for any pricing plan you choose!

How To Launch Your OTT Platform With Ventuno?

Coming to the Important Question - How do you get started?

For starters, you can reach out to us.

Alternatively, you can sign up on our website: Getting started is super easy.

Follow our step-by-step guide to create, customize, and launch your OTT app and website on your own. If you have all your video content in place, your platform may be ready within minutes!

What are your thoughts on this article? reach out to us at if you would like to discuss! 

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