Teaching an online class is unlike any classroom, especially for a subscription model video business. You have to provide maximum value in every session. You have limited time to pique the interest of the user and keep them coming back for more. The key to growing the audience often comes down to a single word - engagement. What does this mean in our context? It is about learner engagement, involving them at every phase of the training cycle, and making your learners active stakeholders in their own learning.
Students can easily become busy and have trouble keeping up with the course. Here are 5 strategies to continually engage your students.
Table of Contents:
1. Preparing the students before the session starts
1. Preparing the students before the session starts
Create a sense of excitement about their learning experience.
2. The first five minutes
A good first impression sets the tone for the whole session and course.
3. Make each session count
Once you have set the stage, kick it up a notch.
4. Bite-size learning
It is said the average attention span of an individual is about 10 minutes and after that it starts to wane.
5. Build a learning community
Research has shown that more students are likely to finish the course if they do it together in a community.
In a nutshell, it is certainly possible to get students invested in their learning process. By following these strategies and sincerely striving to deliver a course par excellence, you can be successful in increasing your student engagement and satisfaction.
If you are looking for a platform to start an online training course or need assistance with choosing subscription models for your training video content, get in touch with us at info@ventunotech.com.
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