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The process of temporarily storing data in a buffer while it's being transferred from one location to another. The purpose of buffering is to smooth out the playback or presentation of data by storing a certain amount...

Streaming Protocol

Streaming protocols are a set of rules and standards that define how multimedia data, such as audio, video, or other types of content, is transmitted over the internet in real-time or near-real-time. These protocols...


Podcasting is a form of digital media that involves creating and distributing audio content episodically over the internet. 1. Content Creation Podcasting allows creators to produce audio or video episodes on a wide...

Subscriber Management

Subscriber management refers to the processes and systems involved in managing the users or subscribers of a service, such as a streaming platform. As a streaming service owner, effective subscriber management is...

CDN – Content Delivery Network

A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers that are geographically distributed around the world. CDNs are used to deliver content to users more quickly and efficiently by caching content on servers that...

SCTE marker

SCTE marker is a term used in video streaming and broadcasting, referring to the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) standard that defines a specific point or cue within a video stream. SCTE markers are...

Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)

Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) is a method of delivering targeted ads into video content in real-time. It is an advanced form of video advertising that allows for advertisements to be dynamically inserted into video streams...

Post-roll ads

Post-roll ads are video ads that are shown after the main content has been completed in a streaming service. In a streaming business, post-roll ads are a way to monetize video content. For example, after a viewer has...

Mid-roll ads

Mid-roll ads are video ads that are shown during the main content in a streaming service. In a streaming business, mid-roll ads are a way to monetize video content. For example, a viewer may be required to watch a 30...

Pre-roll ads

Pre-roll ads are video ads that are shown before the main content in a streaming service. In a streaming business, pre-roll ads are a common way to monetize video content. For example, a viewer may be required to watch...

Subbu Murugan